Thursday, December 13, 2012

That's a Wrap!

   So the presents are bought (well almost), and now it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty and do some wrapping before the big day. If you’re lucky, you only have to wrap them once and stick a nice name tag on them all and decide whether to put on a green or red bow. But, for a lot of us, those packages have to go a lot further than just under the tree. That means a trip to the post office for some shipping.

   I’ll admit, I don’t usually have to send out a lot of packages. So, I guess you could say I’m lucky. But, when I do, there are usually a lot of supplies to get…the boxes, the special paper and sometimes even some special tags and tape.  Once you have it all ready to go, it’s time to ship those packages off. Here’s a word to the wise mommas…don’t take your kids along if you can help it. Every time I go to the post office, I always have some type of kid drama. The lines are usually a little longer too this time of year, which doesn’t help the situation. So just remember, wrap, pack, and go it alone (if you can!).
(sponsored post)

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