Friday, November 22, 2013

SAHM I am and it's okay...really!

Lately it seems as though I have been bombarded with people asking me if I miss going to work everyday. I know they mean my old job in the formal sense of getting up and having a "normal" routine. But, when they say it like that it sounds like I don't "work" now. It sounds like I'm retired or something, sitting on a white sand beach having drinks with little pink umbrellas while I even out my tan. I don't know if it's something in the water or just a coincidence. Whatever the case, it's getting a little annoying. Okay, a lot annoying. So...

Yes, I am a stay at home mom.

Yes, I gave up a pretty good job two years ago to stay home and take care of my kids.

Yes, I am a college graduate and even graduated Magna Cum Laude.

Yes, I have other interests besides my kids and Play Doh.

Yes, I have other aspirations in life, and even if I didn't, so what?

Yes, I sometimes miss the daily interaction with adults and people over three feet tall who don't want to talk about Dora's latest quest or Doc McStuffin's diagnosis.

Yes, I am telling you the truth when I tell you I actually enjoy staying home (most of the time) and raising my children.

These are the reasons why:

I get to do so many more activities with my kids than I would if I was working out of the home.

I have more time to read to them and practice things like writing and numbers since I am home more. So, when they accomplish something like writing a little "f" that we've been practicing forever, I'm pretty f'n proud and happy.

When they are sick, I can be there without having to worry about who's going to stay home to take care of them.

I get to enjoy them. Period.

Don't get me wrong, I know working moms enjoy their kids too. I also know the challenges of being a working mom too. I did it for two years. So, I don't want anyone to think for one minute that I think they have it easy. Now, that I've said that, let me say this too.

If you think I don't "work" anymore, let me tell you I have a 24 hour job where I'm always on call. I get no personal, sick, or vacation time and holidays mean I only work harder. Does it suck? Some days, yes. But, I'm sure your 9-5 job sucks some days too.

But, underneath that pile of dirty dishes and bag of poopy diapers, there is a feeling of being blessed to have the opportunity to be a SAHM. There is also a feeling of pride because I know so many other moms who tell me they could never stay home with their kids 24/7. Perhaps it does take a special kind of person. I just think it takes a special kind of person to be a mother whether you stay at home or work. Period.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beating the Baby Bottle

"Ba BAAAAA". For the love of Christmas, you would think you were on a farm with
Mary and her lambs. But, no, it was my house. All. The. Time. It was all thanks to my two-year-old and her addiction to the bottle. She was in love. She wanted her bottle morning, noon, night and every other time in between. That is until last week when I was a little bored and decided it was time to beat the bottle before it beat me anymore.

It was one on of those rainy days when you know you're not going anywhere and you kinda run out of things to do with your kids. I know a lot of you know where I am coming from here. So, I was cleaning the kitchen as the girls were playing in the living room when I looked over at my bottle drying rack. Ugly. That's what I thought. Annoying. I really hated buying those bottle liners and hated washing the nipples even more. I especially hated going through so much damn milk. So, I decided to "nipple" a bad habit in the Bud...or in this case...the Playtex. I threw all the paraphernalia in the dishwasher and decided to tell my daughter there were no more bottles. Period.

Cold turkey was the way to go. I did it with my first daughter too. Weaning is for wimps (don't get offended, it's a joke). Since I got my little one off the boob cold turkey after a nasty nipple mishap, I decided it would work here too with her bottle bestie.

When I heard the call of the "ba ba" I filled a sippy cup of milk and presented to my little princess.

She looked it at and said "no". "Ba ba".

Me: "This is your new ba ba."

Her: "No"

Me: "Yes" ( as I handed it to her)

She then decided to do what every normal two-year-old would. She threw her cup at me and then herself on the floor kicking and screaming.

I took a deep breath and let the show play out without pausing or fast forwarding it. My older daughter just stared at her sister and then carried on with her dolls. Within about five minutes, the screaming stopped. Then, something magical happened. She picked up her sippy cup of milk and went to sit on the couch to watch her show. OMG! I actually won round one! My inner mommy was doing cartwheels. But, I couldn't let her know how excited I was. I knew this wasn't over.

Our little bottle battle continued pretty much the same way for the rest of day one. But each time, the bottle meltdowns were shorter. I honestly couldn't believe it was so easy. I toyed with giving her a bottle at bed, but decided to stand strong against the evils of the nipple. I knew if she tasted the forbidden fruit again we would be back to square one. So, I just let her work it out. And she did.

The next morning she asked for the "ba ba" again. I handed her a cup fully expecting it to be thrown back in my face, yet again. But, this time, she calmly took it from me and just started drinking it. Forget cartwheels. My inner mommy was now part of Cirque du Soleil! I was so happy. I did it! Within two days I got her to beat the bottle and gained some more kitchen counter space. It may sound lame, but it really is the little things.

Here we are almost a week later and we haven't seen a bottle. Hurray! Don't get me wrong, I still think she wonders what the heck happened, but she knows there's no turning back.Because of my success, I wholeheartedly recommend cutting the kids off cold turkey when it comes to getting rid of the bottle. Just expect the kicking, screaming, and throwing that goes along with it!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Kids, The Church Guy, & "The Comment"

Have you ever had a moment (or moments in my case) that you wish you were a little quicker on your feet? You know, to be able to have the perfect comeback without even thinking about it? Yeah, well I recently had one of those and I've been kicking myself for it all week. Here goes...

I take my girls to church almost every week. Sometimes they are good. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes they sing their own songs during the hymns and yes, my oldest even takes bows in the pews after the Alleluia. I stuff my diaper bag with books, goldfish, fruit snacks, sippy cups, and anything else that I can to keep them entertained and quiet for forty-five minutes. Although I think I've packed everything, I sometimes wish a bunny would pop out for those times when they just won't keep quiet. Yes, I've even whipped out my phone and put a video on silent just to keep my two-year-old's attention. Go ahead and judge, but don't tell me you've never done the same. The three of us are quite the show when we are in church!

There have been plenty of times when they just don't keep quiet no matter what. There have been plenty of times when I've left because I feel like they are just being too noisy. But, recently they were super quiet, so why do I feel so annoyed? Oh yeah, because of the guy who said, "Hey, your kids were quiet today" after holding the door for me because I had one child sleeping on my shoulder and the other holding on to my finger tips. Instead of asking "what do you mean?" All I said was, "yeah". I walked away thinking to myself, are you implying my kids are devils every other time? Are you saying I can't control my kids? What are you trying to say to me man who comes in late almost every week with no kids as an excuse? One kids was sleeping dude, so what do you expect!

Ugh. Maybe I'm letting it get to me too much. Okay, obviously I am because I'm blogging about it. But all I can think about is how rude! Instead of saying, "hey it's great you bring the kids so young lady" or "I didn't even know your kids were in church". I don't know. I would have been able to digest anything but what he said. Who knows, maybe he did mean it nicely and it just came out super awkward. I don't know. I guess I never will.

What I do know is that I can't wait until this weekend. If we do make mass, I think I am going to sit right behind where I know he sits every week and let my kids loose. Maybe I'll let them eat a bowl full of Halloween candy and give them some goldfish and see where they swim and then let kids take their bows!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Parental Pet Peeves

Twirling hair, nail biting, nose picking...these are all things that kids do that can really push a mother's buttons. Out of those three, twirling hair is enemy number one on my list. My older daughter does it and it drives me insane in the membrane. It's like there is a magnet pulling her little finger to her head. No matter how many times I tell her to stop, she keeps on doing it. I can't stand it. I've told her she's going to go bald if she continues. She doesn't care. I've threatened to cut off all her hair. She doesn't care because she knows I would never do it. I'm trying to come to grips with the fact that this is something she is just going to have to out grow. Hopefully, before she really does go bald!

While there are things that kids do that drive me nuts, they are kids, so I can give them a little bit of a free pass. Now, there are some things that other parents do that really get under my skin. There is no free pass here. Here's the biggie...are you ready? Wait, please put down your phone first so I can really have your attention. Yep, that's it. Parents who are too busy on their phones to notice their children are flagging them down like they are trying to hail a cab in Midtown Manhattan.

I see this every week at my daughter's soccer games. Parents are so technologically invested in their phones that they don't even notice what their kid is doing on the field. Drives. Me. Nuts. Just last week, I saw a guy with his head down for half an hour. When he picked his head up to finally notice his kid, the little guy looked was looking around like he was going to pick daisies. He could care less about playing. The Dad yelled at him to pay attention. I wanted to yell back, "You moron, he probably doesn't care because he sees you don't care." Duh! It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

When I was going growing up (oh God I sound like my mother!) we never had to compete with technology for our parents' attention. I think this is sad side effect of just how stupid our smart phones have made us. Does anyone out there agree?

Don't get me wrong, I'm no parental angel. I've caught myself with phone and Facebook in hand plenty of times before. I know how addictive and stupid all those apps can become. But, that's when I log off and log on to what's in front of me. Status Update: Being 100% mommy now!  I think if we can unplug more often we would really appreciate our kids before they become old enough to unfriend us on Facebook and tweet about us under #uncoolparents. What do you think?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dear Terrible Two's,

Dear Terrible Two's,

So, you're back. I'm about excited over your return as I am about watching a "Caillou" marathon. I was warned about you the first time around and to be honest, you didn't really live up to your name. But, this time, I think you're coming after me with a vengeance. Not cool two's, not cool at all.

I've been keeping my eye on you over the past few months as you tried to sneak earlier than you were supposed to. You really don't have any respect for rules, do you? I can tell. You just do what you want, when you want, and always have a good scream to go along with it. You are annoying two's.

You also don't ever seem to have your "listening ears" on. Do you know what the word "no" means? It is the opposite of yes. It is derived from the letters "N" and "O" and is usually followed by the words, "didn't you hear me the first time?" I say it a lot, but you don't listen. Although, you do like to say plenty, just for sugar and giggles and to get me going. I'm not laughing two's. Not at all.

I'm also not getting a kick out of you lying on the floor, kicking and screaming because you can't have ice cream for breakfast. I know I am the worst mother in the world. But, guess what? I don't care two's. You can kick and scream all you want but I always win on this one. You would think you would have learned your lesson seeing that I have never let you have your way on this one. Who's the smarter one now two's?

But, I will admit, you have gotten the best of me on more than one occasion. Thanks to you, I have become a pro at steering a shopping cart full of groceries with one hand, while holding your nasty self with my other hand. I know, sitting in a cart being wheeled around and not having to do a thing is barbaric. I can't even imagine what I would do. Oh wait, yes I do...I would chill the fudge out and enjoy the ride. But not you two's, not you.

Last, but certainly not least, I LOVE how you sit so well in your car seat and never fight me when it is time to buckle up. It's not like we have appointments or places to go. I have all day long to wait until you feel like sitting down and buckling. So annoying two's, so annoying.

So, you may have won a few rounds thus far, but I'm onto your game two's and I'm ready for the ride. I've got my wine, my Starbucks and my Adam Levine on "The Voice" to get me through and keep my sanity. You can kick and scream all you want, but this momma isn't buying what you're selling.

The Mothership

p.s. I'm counting down until the "Terrific Three's" come

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I Just Wanna Be a Grown Up

Child: "Mom, I just wanna be a grown up."

Me: "No, you don't. You really don't."

So, that was the beginning of a conversation I recently had with my four year-old daughter. Why is it that kids always want to grow up so fast? I can remember wanting to be "big" when I was little too. It must just be one of those things. After my daughter proclaimed her desire for wanting to be an adult, she quickly changed her mind...thanks to me.

It's probably because I scared the Elmo out of her when I went on to ask her if she wanted to make her own food, clean her own clothes, clean the house, etc. She looked at me as if I were I visitor from the planet "crazy". She quickly said no and then told me she didn't want to be a grown up anymore. I told her that was a good idea and to stay a kid as long as she could. That statement is going to come back and bite me when she's 27 and still living at home.

Anyway, I think she got my point. There are days when I wish I wasn't a grown up. I wish my most important decision of the day was to either play with blocks or Barbies or whether to have chicken nuggets or grilled cheese for lunch. I wish people would still fix my food and provide for my every need without asking because it was their job.

Looking back now, I wish I could go back to the days when I didn't know the meaning of the words mortgage, co-pays, deductibles or escrow. I wish I could still be as innocent as to think ALF could actually crash into my house and live with me because that be super cool. But instead, I'm an adult who worries about everything under the sun (bad genetic trait!) and sometimes wishes I could still be that kid with Punky Brewster sneakers.

So, I will continue to tell my kids to just be kids and enjoy their little pint sized lives where finger paints are a reward for good behavior.

I will continue to try to keep them as innocent as possible for as long as possible because as I get older I am truly realizing time does fly. I know its cliché, but we all know it's true and it's okay to admit it.

I will continue to tell them "I love you to the moon and back" and to give me my morning hugs. I gave them life. The least they can do is repay me in hugs.

And when they continue to tell me they just wanna be a grown up, I will continue to tell them they really don't. Why? Because I'm the grown up and that's my job.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

This Post Brought to You by the Letter "e"

It's funny how we take things for granted. Putting one foot in front of the other, feeding ourselves without dropping everything on the floor, reading, writing...these are all things that we know how to do now, but can't remember ever learning. We just do them. Well, when you're a kid, these things are like learning ten languages at once. I never really thought about it until I started teaching my daughter how to write her alphabet.

Sure, she's learning these things at school, but I'm a firm believer that these lessons need to be reinforced at home. So, over the summer my now four year-old and I took on the mission of learning to write her name. Let me tell you, it has been a lot harder than I thought. I mean, how hard can it be to look at a letter and then imitate it over and over again? Well, it's hard. Really hard.

I have to say I am lucky because my daughter actually wants to learn and thinks its fun. Oh yeah, she is my kid! So, almost everyday over the summer we practiced writing her name over and over again. I can honestly tell you she improved each and every time. We kept looking back at her old writing and we could both definitely see the difference.

By the time school started earlier this month, we had her name done...all except that pesky "e". Big "E" was easy, but his little brother proved to be a pain in the alphabet. No matter how hard we tried or how much we practiced there was just something about it that stumped my daughter more than the hardest "Where's Waldo" picture you could find. But that all changed a few nights ago when she picked up an empty toilet paper roll. You see, one night after bath I changed the toilet paper roll and she took it to play with so she could be a pirate. After a few minutes of looking for treasure, she took it into her playroom. I was in the kitchen when all of a sudden I heard, "Mommy, you have to come here and see this." Inside I was thinking, oh no, what happened now? Is there more crayon on the wall? Did Barbie lose an arm? Thankfully it was none of those. Surprisingly though it was the letter "e" written pretty nicely in purple crayon on the empty toilet paper roll.

"I did it, I did it!" My daughter yelled loudly, beaming with pride. She knew the pesky "e" was that summer fly we could never get rid of. But that night, she swatted it. I was so proud! I felt like our hours of practice really did pay off. I don't know what happened, but something must have clicked at the moment allowing her to write that "e". She was so excited. She brought it to school the next day to show her teachers. I believe now it's on a bulletin board in class! At least, that's what she told me, although I haven't seen it yet!

With all of that said, duplicating that "e" has been difficult. We don't get it all the time. But, we try. That's all I can ask for. I'm so glad my daughter is learning that hard work (and toilet paper rolls) do pay off. Now, on to that empty paper towel roll...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Taking a Leap of Faith

If you visit my blog often you know I usually write about the adventures and misadventures of my two little girls as well as parentingisms that really irk me. While that's all fine and dandy, I'm kinda going off the beaten path today. Recently I've read and heard about so many people taking leaps of faith in their lives that it really got me thinking, which in turn inspired me to write this post.

We've all heard the clichés like "we only go around once" or "you only get one life, so you better live it"...etc. I'll admit those get so annoying to hear because we all know we have bills to pay and responsibilities to meet which makes it impossible to live our dreams of becoming bartenders on a tropical island.

Someone used to tell me all the time "find your passion". I always thought it was a weird thing to say to someone, but over the past couple of years, I'm beginning to understand. Everyone has that "something" in life that puts a smile on their face no matter what or motivates them to the highest point. I think we all know what "it" is but are too afraid to pursue it many times. Usually it takes some kind of tragedy for people to really open their eyes to what is important to them. So, it's refreshing to hear about more and more people seizing the moment now before it is too late.

With all that said, there are so many people who are giving up their jobs to follow their passions. Whether it be teaching yoga, moving to a foreign country, or becoming an entrepreneur, they are making the decision to just do it. They are throwing the typical "9-5" stuff aside to do what they truly enjoy. That takes a lot of guts and faith if you ask me.

I'd like to think I took a mini-leap of faith two years ago when I quit my job to stay at home with my kids. Sure, I could have sent them to daycare, but I didn't feel comfortable doing that. I'm sure many people thought I was crazy to leave a job I was good at with a decent salary to stay home. I thought I was a little crazy too! Truth be told though, my heart wasn't in my job anymore. Many days I felt like I was just going through the motions.  I was truly happy when I was with my family and when I was writing what I wanted to write. So I've used my time to start some writing projects that I will hopefully be able to share in the future as well as take care of my family. I would be lying if I didn't admit there have been a lot of up hill battles and adjustments, but I've just kept climbing the mountain every time I've slipped. That's what happens when you take a leap of faith. You have to expect some bumps along the road and just move on without looking back.

I'm sure many people who've chosen a different path realize it's not always sunshine and roses, but I think it's better than not trying something new at all. Don't you? You can always fail, but at least you won't have regrets. I think those are the worst.

So take a leap of faith, step out of your comfort zone, even if it's only to try a new food or nail polish color! Baby steps, baby steps...who knows...they may lead to bigger and better things you could have never dreamed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Mother of All Guilt Trips

Guilt. The dictionary describes it as "feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy". Hmm...that's a lot of fancy words...none of which my four-year-old understands. But, don't underestimate her. She may not get the standard definition, but she sure knows how to make you feel guilty, or in four-year-old terms...poopy and sad.

Here's the story...I recently went to visit a friend out of state to catch a concert. I know, such a horrible mother! My younger daughter was oblivious to my plans, but I wasn't so lucky with her sister. You see, my older daughter could work for the FBI. Just like any child her age, she asks tons of questions and demands answers. She asks what we're doing days before I even know. So, when she asked what we were doing on Thursday, I told her where I was going and that I wasn't going to be back until the day after. Well, cue the dirty looks and inquisition. "Why do you have to go? Why are you coming home tomorrow? Where are you going to sleep?"...I could on and on. She didn't like any of my answers. Fast forward to Thursday morning when she asked again what was going on, knowing full well the plans for the day. When I "refreshed" her memory...she said, and I quote, "Well, I'm not happy about that at all." I admit, I laughed because I did not expect her to say that at all.

The time before I left was filled with plenty of tears and "mommy don't go's". I felt like someone just handed me a one way ticket to mommy guilt island...minus the fruity drinks and tiny pink umbrellas. I truly did feel horrible and like I was doing something wrong. But then I thought, when was the last time I truly did something like this? Answer: A couple of years. I think I was overdue, but that still didn't squash all the guilt I felt. So, after lots of hugs and plenty more tears, I left. I felt like the worst mother in the world.

Of course I checked in from time to time, only to find out there were several meltdowns while I was gone. I also got the phone call of tears and "I miss yous". Of course I missed them too, but I was having a good time. I knew she and her sister were in capable hands and were going to be fine. I knew they were going to miss me, but I also knew they have to learn that mommy sometimes needs time away.

I thought a lot about how I was feeling during my drive alone...without twenty questions and constant arguing and whining. Why do a lot of us moms feel so guilty when we take time for ourselves? And by time, I don't mean time to fold clothes or unload the dishwasher. I mean time away doing something fun. It's pretty stinky if you ask me. I doubt many fathers feel this way if they go watch a game or play a round of golf. So, why do we? Maybe it's something that goes along with having a uterus. Who knows? Whatever the case, I wish I didn't always feel so darn guilty! Anyone else out there feel the same way or is it just me?

There were plenty of hugs and kisses when I got home. They missed me and I truly missed them. But, there's nothing wrong with a little mommy time, even if does come with a complimentary guilt trip.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Trapper Keepers & A New School Year

Ever since I was a kid I've always loved the first day school. I loved the smell of new notebooks and pencils. I loved picking out new shoes for my school uniform and I really, really loved picking out a new Trapper Keeper. Yeah, I know I'm a weirdo. But, it's the honest truth.

Besides the new Trapper Keeper and color coded folders, I think I've always liked a new school year because it signifies a beginning. Everyone gets a fresh start. There is the promise of something new. There is the anticipation and, of course, the fear of what lies ahead. There is so much to learn, so much to be discovered.

Although my school days are a part of history, I can still enjoy the start of a new school year vicariously through my children. I knew I had them for a reason! Even though my daughter is only in Pre-K and not yet fully invested in the whole school thing, I'm still excited.What can I say? I guess I'm still a bit of a nerd at heart.

I can't wait to see all the projects she's going to bring home. I can't wait to hear about all the things she is going to learn.  I can't wait to pack her little snacks. I could on for days about all the things that I'm excited about, but you would probably fall asleep.

I always think of the beginning of the school year as a great time to start new things and new routines, no matter what age you are. It's a great time to kick start a workout regime or maybe just work towards some type of personal goal. I know I have a lot of things in mind myself once I turn that calendar to September, which by the way is something else I love...switching the calendar to start a new month, but I digress. Anyway, I think you get the drift. This self-proclaimed nerd can't wait for the start of the school year! Maybe I'll even go out and buy myself a Trapper Keeper just for nostalgia :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Girl Scores Big With Sofa Ads

As a mom, it's really funny to see the types of things kids latch on to. Some kids like certain shows due to a specific character that grabs their attention. Others latch on to a catchy theme song, while others like commercials. I know my kids like those M&M commercials where the little pieces of colored chocolate sing. I have to admit they are pretty entertaining.

For one girl in the U.K., it wasn't candy, but rather sofas that really got her going. Ten-year-old Amelia Howarth loves ads for ScS sofas. So, she decided to write to the company to let them know. Not only does she love the ads, she also apparently acts them out for her family. Talk about a fan! The company was nice enough not only to respond to her e-mail, but also to invite her family down for a behind the scenes look at how the ads are made. They even got to meet the little girl who appears in the ads Amelia loves so much. Amelia even got to share her ideas. How cool!

It's really great to hear a company responding to a little girl so well. She will remember something like this her entire life. It just goes to show you that there are still some companies out there who care about their customers as well as kids.Who knows, maybe little Amelia will become the next big advertising executive thanks to all this attention and interest. And to think it all started with a commercial. Sometimes little things do lead to big things.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sleep in Your Own %$!@# Bed

Before I became a parent, I swore on my Dunkin' iced coffee that I would never allow my children to sleep in my bed. Ever. Well, maybe when they were sick. But, that was it. No other time would they ever be allowed into my sacred place. Fast forward a few years and a couple of kids later and you'll see a regular visitor in my bed nearly every night.

I don't know what it is, but my four-year-old loves my bed more than a Caillou marathon. If you knew my child, you would know that is saying a lot. The funny thing is, she never used to be that way. But, it seems as though she booked part of her summer vacation in our bed...with a one way ticket. She falls asleep in her own bed, but then there's some mystery as to what happens in the middle of the night. All of a sudden, I hear the pitter patter of little feet down the hallway followed by someone climbing on my back to get right in the middle of the bed to find "her" spot. Within seconds she is fast asleep. I, on the other hand, am slightly annoyed and uncomfortable. Take this routine and multiply it by seven and you have my week.

Aggravated with the sleeping conditions in my house, I naturally turned to the internet to help. All of those baby sites must have some heavenly advice to get my child back in bed and me not clinging on to the edge of the bed like I'm going to fall off a cliff. Of course many of the "experts" say you just have to keep walking them back to their beds. Trust me, I've done that plenty of times. It only leads to a repeat performance an hour or so later and me drinking a gallon of coffee the next day. A real lose-lose if you ask me. Other sites suggested putting a sleeping bag along my bed so she is in the room but not attached to my back. I can tell you that would go over like throwing away all the Caillou videos in my house. So, that option is out the window. There was one suggestion that peaked my interest...the sleep fairy. I had never heard of this magical creature. I think she's the tooth fairy's third cousin. See, she leaves little gifts under kids' pillows when they sleep in their beds the whole night. If you're not in your bed, she can't find you, thus you lose out. I really thought this would work. I told my daughter all about this wonderful fairy who was going to make all of our dreams come true. Her eyes lit up and I thought we were really onto something. After a couple of nights of still sleeping in our bed, she asked why the sleep fairy didn't come and leave her a gift. I explained for the 100th time that she had to sleep in her bed for this gimmick to work. She said "oh" and finished her pretend picnic. Let me tell you, she could care less. The sleep fairy better find another house. Ugh.

My next step was to talk to the pediatrician during her yearly check-up. She also suggested the sleeping bag thing. When I told her that would never work, she suggested a sticker chart with a reward system. You see, I had been taking things away because my daughter wasn't sleeping in her bed. I was told to try positive reinforcement instead. How about me booking a room at the Hyatt? That sounds pretty positive to me. So instead, I introduced the whole sticker chart thing with a tier of prizes. The first would be a trip to Nuvita for frozen yogurt. She loves that place so I thought this had to work. Well, a week later I have sheets of princess stickers, an empty calendar, and a craving for Nuvita. Ugh.

The doctor did say she would grow out of this. I mean how many 15 year-olds do you know who still sleep in their parent's beds? So, I guess there is still hope. Until then, perhaps I have to bring the sleep fairy with us to Nuvita with stickers and a calendar for all of this to work.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why You Need to Read This Blog

As a mom and blogger I read a lot of stuff online. Some things make me laugh. Some things make me cry. Some things I don't even finish reading because they are a waste of my time. Then there are some things that become so stuck in my brain that it's just crazy. Recently, a blog I read did just that.

A friend of mine shared a post by Rachel Martin about why being mom is enough. I have to admit I've read and wrote plenty of these kinds of posts so many times before that I almost glazed right over it. But that morning as I was scrolling down my Facebook page, I was thinking about life and how sometimes staying/working from home drives me nuts. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and am happy with my life as it is right now, but sometimes I look at my "to do" list and think how pathetic it looks. When you're biggest decision of the day is whether to cook mac and cheese or chicken nuggets for lunch, you begin to reassess your life and your choices. I didn't need an expensive college education for that, now did I? Unfortunately, society makes women think there is something wrong with us if we choose to "just be a mom". With that said, I decided to click on this link. I am so glad I did.

As I was reading it, I felt like Rachel had been in my house watching my every move because it sounded like a scene right out of my day. From the morning routine to the almost pulling your hair out by noon, I thought Oh my God, this is me! Although you know other moms are going through the same stuff, on this day, it was especially comforting to read her words. I felt like she was actually talking to me, telling me to just chill out and be grateful. It's okay to just be a mom.

Through all the hustle and bustle of the day, it's so easy to forget the little things that make motherhood enjoyable. Reading books, playing outside, playing dolls...I think you get the idea. We get so caught up with trying to be some type of supermom, that we forget that these little things are really the big things.

So, although I may not be making life altering decisions all day, the time I spend just being a mom really is enough...even on the days when I think it's not. That's why I found this blog so uplifting. When you stay at home with your kids you don't have a fancy project to be proud of at the end of the week or some big paycheck to cash, and that can become depressing at times. But, you do have lots of hugs and smiles that really do mean a lot more, even if we forget them at times.

If you're a mom in need of some words of encouragement, check out this blog. You'll thank me later.

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Love Birthdays

Every since I can remember I've loved birthdays. Whether it was mine or someone else's, I loved everything about them. The cake, the gifts, the parties...there was just nothing bad about a birthday. Now that I have kids of my own, I love them even more. There's just something about seeing a little face light up when all the spotlight is shining on them.

With that said, there's also a lot of pressure to make their day as special as it can be. At least that's the way I feel. Now that my older daughter gets the whole birthday thing, I don't want to let her down. Truth be told, I don't really think she cares what she eats or what she does. But for some reason, I do. So I made sure this year I asked her what she wanted to do and where she wanted to eat. Of course she picked her favorite restaurant...Texas Roadhouse. But, she surprised me when it came to what she wanted to do. I thought she would want to go somewhere different or do something different. But, she just wanted to play outside with her toys and ride her bike. Easy for me! Let me tell you, she was so happy. So, perhaps all that self imposed momma pressure was for nothing? Hmmm..

I noticed that she just liked the fact that it was her birthday. She kept telling everyone she was the birthday girl. Unfortunately at age four she gets the whole present thing and does look forward to certain a doctor's set. That's all she's been talking about for months now. I honestly think if she didn't get that, there would have been some disappointment. Luckily though, mom and dad fulfilled that request.

I'm sure as she gets older the birthday requests will get more demanding and much more expensive. So, I think for now I'm going to enjoy just buying a doctor's set and playing outside. I thought I would need to do so much more to make her day special, but sometimes simple is better.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Strangest & Most Annoying Thing

As a mom, I always dream of having my free time. I mean really, what mom doesn't? After hours of puzzles, coloring, and Barbies, I just want time to myself to do what I want without hearing "mommy". Read, write, watch TV, nap (yeah right)...whatever it is, I want to be able to just do what I want. So why do I sometimes feel lost when I actually get it? Let me tell you, it is the strangest and most annoying thing.

Recently, I hit the "mommy lottery". My oldest daughter decided she wanted to sleepover her grandmother's house "just because" and my younger daughter fell asleep uncharacteristically early. My husband was still at work.OMG, hours of free time! You would think I would have been doing my happy dance. I was...for a few minutes. Then, the strangest and most annoying thing happened...I didn't know what to do with myself. Although I had a list of things on my "to do list", I couldn't figure out what I should be doing. In fact, I actually felt like the house was too quiet! How odd is that? I often pray for peace and quiet. Here it was staring me in the face and I still wasn't happy.

There are plenty of times when I either leave the kids with grandma or drop them off and go do things and I am fine with that. I just think the tranquility of the house got to me because this wasn't how it was supposed to be. The norm is noise, laughing, screaming...chaos. As much as I complain about it, it's the way it's supposed to be with two kids. It's the way I've gotten used to things. So any interruption in the routine kinda weirds me out, I guess.

Eventually, I got some writing done that night and put some laundry away. I have to admit, the night felt so much longer with so much quietness. I was actually looking forward to the morning when my little one would be awake and her sister would be home.

Maybe it's a case of "be careful what you wish for" or "motherhood changes everything". Whatever it was, it really was the strangest and most annoying thing.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sister See, Sister Do

Seeing that I am an only child, my view on siblings is pretty much limited to what I saw on "Growing Pains" and all those other 80's shows that I absolutely loved to watch growing up. Now, as the mother of two little girls, I get a front row seat of siblinghood, 24/7...unfiltered. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's ugly, sometimes it's annoying, but it's always a case of "sister see, sister do."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not comparing my kids to monkeys with that analogy...okay, well, maybe sometimes. But, it really is amazing to see how much my younger daughter imitates her older sister. If big sis is done with her breakfast, so is little sis, even if she still has more than half a bowl of cereal left. If big sis grabs a Barbie to play with, little sis drops whatever she has and grabs a Barbie too. Even when big sis goes poop, little sis follows and keeps her company. sweet! No, honestly, it's just gross. Who wants to sit with someone while they poop? Anyone? That's what I thought, but, I digress.

It's also funny to see how my younger daughter reacts when her sister has a friend over to play. I can tell you that someone turns a little green with envy. While she plays along at times, she will also take toys from her sister's playmate and point to her sister and say "mine". It's kinda cute, I guess!

While all the cutesy pooh stuff is great times two, the bad behavior is not. I also get a double scoop of couch jumping, ottoman standing, and goldfish crunching on my rug...just to name a few of the Olympic events that go on in my house.This stuff "times two" sucks twice as much in case you were wondering.

Since I never had a sibling I have no idea what the future holds as these girls get older. I can imagine there are going to be plenty of cat fights and plenty of slammed doors. I'm sure there will be plenty of "growing pains" too as our little games of "sister see, sister do" mature with age. I just hope they will remain "besties" and realize how lucky they are to have each other.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dermagist Product Review & Giveaway

As a mom, I love to hit the spa. Maybe you didn't hear me...I LOVE to hit the spa. But, with two little ones around my ankles, it's not always easy to just get up and go find some Zen amidst the Barbies and teddy bears. So, I look for it anywhere I can get it. I tend to look for products that are quick and easy but can still get the job done. It may sound like something easy to find, but let me tell you, it's not.

So, in my quest to find some tranquility in my life, I tried out the Dermagist Hydrating Spa System. It comes with hydropeutic body lotion, hydro-renewal hand cream, as well as foot and hand revitalizing cream (my fave by the way!). The hydropeutic body lotion is great for after the shower, especially during these summer months when skin tends to dry out due to sun exposure. The lotion glides on so easily and isn't thick and nasty like some other over the counter stuff. It also has that "spa" smell, if you know what I mean. It's that refreshing smell that just says relaxation. After using it for a month, I can honestly say I can feel a difference in my skin. It isn't dry and yucky, not even in this summer weather. Bonus!

As far as the other products in the system go, the hand cream worked well too. I have to admit my hands were never dry or really in need of extra TLC, so I didn't really see that much of a difference. But, it still smelled great and was also easy to apply.

Saving the best for last...the foot and hand revitalizing cream. Let's focus on the feet, shall we? This cream was absolutely awesome for tired feet that have been flipping and flopping all day long in sandals. It really was a little slice of heaven to put it on at night while finally putting my feet up and catching up on my DVR. Once again, the smell brought on a feeling of relaxation. In the morning, I could notice a definite difference in how my feet felt. They felt rejuvenated. It really brought a smile to this momma's face!

All in all, I would recommend using these products if you are looking for a light moisturizer that smells great and makes you feel like you are at the spa, without making your wallet feel like it is there too. They smell great and work great, so you can ask for much more.

Wouldn't it be great to try these products out for free too? I thought you would say yes. So here's how you can...

1. Go and like Dermagist on Facebook
2. Follow Dermagist on Pinterest

A couple of rules:
If you have previously won a Dermagist giveaway, you are not eligible for this one
This is open to U.S. & Canada residents only
Giveaway winner will be chosen on 7/15/13
Good Luck!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Put Down the Phone

Okay, so I am the first person to admit I love my phone. I love checking Facebook and Twitter a few times a day as well as my email. I love to text and google random stuff that comes to my head. Do I do it in front of my kids? Yes, although I try to keep it to a minimum. But, do I do it during story time with my kids or while I'm supposed to be watching them do an activity? No.

As a I grab my step stool to get up on my soap box for a few minutes I would like to thank the parents who inspired this blog post. Thank you to the moms who text and do whatever else on their phones at the library instead of watching their kids during story time. A big shout out to the moms who are sharing photos with each other during story time at Barnes & Noble. Sometimes they get  so chatty I can't even pay attention to the story. I can just imagine how the kids do it. I don't want to forget the parents at the beach who are too busy talking on their phones to realize their kids are going a little too close to the water's edge.

Okay, so now that I'm comfy on my soap box I can tell you why all this stuff bothers me. I know I shouldn't care, but I feel bad for the kids who are being ignored at the hands of technology. When I was growing up (oh God, I sound like my mom!) I didn't have to compete with a phone for my parents' attention. I feel like our kids have to do that sometimes. That makes me sad. Kids get excited over the littlest things. Every letter they learn and every leaf they pick up off the ground is a BIG deal. It's too bad so many parents are so buried in their phones to even notice.

Don't get me wrong, there are times when I catch myself doing the same thing. Then I tell myself to put the phone away and just focus on my kids and the "now". The "later" will be for the phone and all that other junk that takes up too much time already.

Okay, so I think you all get my point here. I wish they had an app to teach some parents how to pay closer attention to their kids! For the time being, let's just put down the phone least for our kids'!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Love Mommy!

Okay, so there are a few first words and phrases that can get a parent a little misty. "I love (fill in the blank of said parent) is one of them. Last week, my little one said "I love Mommy" for the first time. It would have been fantastic on any given day, but she decided to say it on a day that really sucked for me. I didn't expect her to say it then because I've been trying to get her to say "I love you" for weeks now and get "I...u". Love just seems to be a hard word for little kids to get out. But, at that particular moment she managed to get it out. She's only said it one more time since then, but I don't care. She said it and that's all that counts.

I'm sharing this not only because it was great, but because I think it's funny how kids know what you need at just the right time without knowing it. Does that make any sense? See, I was a good mommy all day long on the day I got my first "I love Mommy", but was highly aggravated under the surface and tried not to let it show. It was just a domino effect of crappy things that made me want to drink a bottle of wine at the end of the day, although I didn't. So, hearing those three little words really meant the world to me that day. I clapped and cried, of course. My daughter knew she did something good that night because we were all excited, but she still has no idea just how much it meant.

I think kids have a sixth sense on these type of things because it's not the first time this has happened. There's been other times when my older daughter has said or done something just when I needed it. Of course she didn't know it at the time. That's what  made it all the more special. We always hear about a mother's intuition, but I truly think kids have it too. I can't wait to see what they come up with next!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Potty Pride

As a mom, so many little things are big things. First steps, first words, and of course, first pee pee in the potty. But, it's also hard to be there for each and every milestone because kids always tend to do things when we are not around. It's just the way it is. With my first daughter, I caught the first step (at least as far as I know). I think I was around for the first word...of course it was "Daddy". But, I remember missing the first potty encounter.

She did it at mother-in-law's house. I remember my husband calling me at work and telling me. I also remember being upset that I missed it. Imagine, being upset over pee in a potty! Just paint a big "L" on my forehead. These are the things that happen when you become a mother, I guess. I actually got a little misty as I told a co-worker. He giggled a little, but said he understood. I felt so horrible that I missed a milestone! She could care less, I'm sure. But, to me it was a big deal.

Fast forward a couple of years...I'm making eggs in the kitchen, the girls are playing in the living room. My little one strips down to her birthday suit...her sister makes sure I know about it. She runs around naked. I'm trying to finish cooking the damn eggs so I can put a diaper on her. The eggs are done. She's standing in the hallway...naked.

"Let's get a diaper on you," I say. "Pee, pee," she says. I immediately look down at the floor, assuming I now have a puddle to clean up. Nope, dry floor. "Pee, pee!" she tells me again. So, I carry her and put her on the potty. I figure it's worth a try. Trickle, Trickle...score! We have our first pee pee in the potty! I clapped for her and made a big deal like we just hit the lotto. She was happy too, clapping and smiling on the toilet. Her older sister came in and was clapping for her too. I was there for this one. Score one for mom!

Like I said, this may sound silly to some, but I was so happy I was around for this milestone. As a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom, you sometimes only have a bag of dirty diapers and a perfectly colored picture of Elmo to show at the end of the day. You often ask yourself what you did all day. The house is still a mess, the same amount of money is in the bank. You feel like you have nothing to show for the day, although deep down you know you did a hell of a lot. So, days like this when I can be around to catch a milestone, mean a lot. I'll take this one to the memory bank.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Father's Day Dilemma

So, Father's Day is just a couple of days away and I have yet to buy anything for my husband (sorry honey!). Don't get me wrong, I have asked him if there's anything in particular he may want. He said nothing. But, I'm not sure if it's a "nothing" nothing or a "nothing" something if you know what I mean. I usually say nothing and mean it, but always get something anyway. I don't want Sunday to roll around and have him look for something that isn't around. Ugh. Sigh.

What do you buy Dad for Father's Day? All the ads tell me Dad wants some new tools, a tie, and some cologne. Those are such snoozer gifts and so predictable. I usually like to think out of the box, but I just can't come up with anything really good this year. It's so annoying. Ugh. Sigh.

We don't even know what we're doing that day. I asked if he wanted to go anywhere special or have me make anything special. He said he wants to play it by ear. Hmmm. That doesn't leave me much to go on. Ugh. Sigh.

I know some guys who actually take Father's Day to go golfing or fishing...alone. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of Father's Day? You wouldn't get to celebrate the day if you didn't have a kid, so shouldn't you at least spend it with the family? Maybe it's just me. Although, I know my husband is probably going to ask the kids to let him just relax. Too bad the chances of that happening are about as likely as us winning the lottery. Ugh. Sigh.

Seeing that we are just a few days out, I think I may just see where the wind takes us.
Although I haven't bought anything yet and don't have any dinner reservations, I know that whatever we do will end up being perfect. He already has the three best ladies in the world, right? That's gotta be better than some ugly tie or power drill, right? I've gotta think so. To all the Dads out there, Happy Father's Day! To all the ladies out there, what are you doing? Maybe I can piggyback an idea from you!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

No Vacation from Motherhood

Vacation: noun, a scheduled period during which activity is suspended. That's the definition from Webster's dictionary. Vacation with kids: noun, a scheduled period of time where you will get no rest and if you think you were going to, you were an idiot. That's my definition from the dictionary of Kristina. If you haven't figured it out yet, I just returned from a vacation with my children. I don't know if it was the warmer air or what, but at times, they seemed like someone switched out my kids and gave me some creatures from the planet Cling-On and Whine All the Time.

Before you think I had some horrible vacation, I honestly didn't. It was a good time. But, let's just say there were some trying times that I really wasn't expecting. For the most part my girls are pretty good at home, even my little rowdy one is usually okay, although some would tend to disagree. But, during our week at the beach, they did things they usually don't, which got really annoying.

For one, the defiance of the nap proved to be public enemy number one. My older daughter refused to nap after a busy morning at the beach. Therefore, by the time dinner rolled around, her whine-atude was amped up and she wanted to be attached at my hip, my leg, my get the picture. Just take a damn nap! That's all she had to do. But no, she had to prove she was some type of non-sleeping superhero. Epic fail.

As for the little babe, she napped, but was still a terror. At times, she was even worse after a nap. I just don't get it. She would wake up with such a bad attitude that I wanted to ship her back home. Her fearlessness also made me wish I had eyes behind my head. She became an expert in diving off furniture and even thought she could walk on water. She scared the bejesus out of me when she tried to walk to her father who was in the pool. Luckily he was right there to catch her.

Don't even get me started on the ride home. My older daughter actually slept for most of the ride. She must have been tired from all those naps she didn't take. But,my younger one needed a straight jacket and a bottle of Benadryl. She wanted no part of her car seat nor the wide variety of DVDs I brought along. Neither Dora, Caillou, nor Barney helped. So needless to say, it was the ride from hell.

After telling some of my vacation stories, someone told me I need to bring a "children's helper" along next time. Yeah okay, are you going to pay for that? I didn't think so. Someone else also told me it gets better. So I'm going to believe that for now. One thing I did learn was that there is never a vacation from motherhood. There's always poop that will need to be cleaned, mouths that will need to be fed, boo boos that will need to be kissed, and fights that will need to be broken up. On the flip side, there will also always be bottles of wine to drink to help deal with all that! So, we'll see what happens next year. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let Your Kids Leap Ahead This Summer

It’s almost here. It’s the time of year kids look forward to all year long…summer.  Its three months of fun without going to school and without having to set an alarm. But, just because kids are turning off their alarm clocks, doesn’t mean they should be turning off their brains too. Three months is a long time to go without learning something, don’t you think?

As parents, we continuously hear about how we should always read to our kids. But, what about helping them keep up in math too? It’s just as important. During the summer, there is plenty of time to slip in some math lessons to keep their brains fresh and help them get ahead for the fall. Leap Ahead is a great online program that offers just that, without breaking the bank. Problem solving, algebra, and geometry are just a few of the topics covered.

If your child is entering grades three through nine, this is a great opportunity. LeapAhead! Online Summer Math Program even offers a gifted program for parents and children who want a greater challenge. Whichever program you choose, there are plenty of exercises to keep your child’s mind active.

Summer Practice = Fall Success

Why not take advantage today?

*This is a sponsored post

Monday, May 20, 2013

She's the Town Crier

It's no secret that my three and a-half year old loves to talk. I wonder where she gets that from?Anyway, she just doesn't tell you what she's doing or what project she might have made at school. She loves to tell my business. That's why I now call her The Town Crier.

Most times, I don't mind. But there are times when I don't want people to know that I went to Target for the third time in a week or that we had to rush to Sam's Club because I had no more diapers in the house although I could have sworn I bought another pack. There's also the times when she lets people know I took her to McDonald's for lunch and let her have a soda. I love the looks I get for that one.

From what I made or may not have made her for dinner to what we did all day, she makes sure everyone knows what we're up to. She's also makes sure everyone knows what I'm talking about on the phone. I resorted to talking in code or spelling things, but now she's on to me. Those little ears know too much sometimes.

If you want someone to know something, just tell her. Right before Mother's Day, my husband took her and her sister shopping. He made the mistake of letting her see where he hid my present. When I came home, she pointed to a high cabinet in the kitchen and said (in the cutest voice), "Mommy,there's a present in there for you." I started laughing. My husband just stared at her and reminded her she wasn't supposed to tell.

She even tells on her sister. I don't have to worry if the little one is doing something wrong, because she'll let me know. I think this is going to get her in trouble one of these days. But for now, she's my little town crier.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Do I Want for Mother's Day?

Sometimes Mother's Day is kinda like Christmas. There's so much hype about it, and at times the reality doesn't live up to all the expectations. Sometimes Santa doesn't fill your wish list, whether it's December or May.

So, what are the big Mother's Day gifts? Flowers, candy, jewelry...they're alright, but do I really want them for Mother's Day? Honestly, no...especially not the candy. Swimsuit season is practically here and a pound of truffles is not going to help the cause. Flowers...well, I guess they aren't bad, but they're going to die in a week anyway.'s pretty, don't get me wrong, but I'm not diggin it this year. So, what's left?

There are loads of other "Mom" gifts that all the stores are trying to pawn off on all the men looking for that "perfect" gift. But, I don't see any of those stores wrapping a big bow around a box of "peace and quiet", "I'm not doing s***t today", and "Can everyone just STFU today", do you? They also seem to be forgetting "nap in a box".  Those, my friends, would be great! But no, instead, we are brainwashed to believe that a bracelet and a dozen of roses would be oh so much better.

I know a lot of you out there would love some flowers, candy, or jewelry, and that's just fine with me. But, you can't honestly say you wouldn't enjoy a day where the kids didn't scream, a day when you didn't accidentally stick your finger in poop because your daughter moved faster than you could move the diaper, or even a day when you didn't have to ask your significant other to unload the dishwasher (the dishes don't magically walk themselves back into the cabinet, contrary to popular belief).

I think when it comes to Mother's Day, actions speak louder than gifts. Showing a momma she's appreciated, or God forbid, actually speaking the words, can actually get you a lot further. Women dig that stuff, trust me.

Okay, so what's on your Mother's Day wish list? What's on mine? Honestly, I just want to have a nice drama free day with the people I love, and I'm not just saying that. If some gifts come my way, so be it. If not, I'm good. I'll just be steering clear of the poop and the dishwasher.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh, How Times Change!

Let's rewind five years, pre-pregnancies and pre-kids, shall we? A Friday night used to consist of a night out...maybe a movie with the hubs, or if we were lucky some drinks and apps with friends. If we were really feeling crazy, a little trip to "da club" and some dancing.

Let's fast forward five years, post-pregnancies and current kids, shall we? A Friday night consists of watching some cartoons, usually some Caillou and Pajanimals, followed by some playing, and then putting the kiddos to bed. Once that's all said and done, it's time to get crazy. Are you ready? Oh yeah, time to clean a bathroom that I haven't had time to clean in awhile. Don't feel sorry for me because the smell of bleach and Lysol wipes is actually refreshing. I'll admit I actually enjoy cleaning. Plus, it was on this week's "to-do" list and there's only one more day to get it done before the week is up.

Once everything is scrubbed and swiffered, it's time to really have some fun. I know, cleaning the bathroom should have been fun enough. But now, I can relax, turn on my DVR and catch up on my 14 episodes of "Young & the Restless" while I sit here and write (something else on my "to-do" list). Through a few Oreos and a glass of milk into the mix and I am one happy momma.

Okay, before you paint a big "L" on my forehead, I'm actually okay with all of this. If you told me way back when that this would actually make me happy, I would have told you to go smoke another one. But, times change, and people change with them, myself included.

Trust me, I still love to go out and hang out with the hubs or some friends, but sometimes (okay most of the time), I'm cool with staying in and doing things I need to do and really can't do while taking care of the kids all day long. When I don't get to do exciting things like clean, just sitting on the couch and hanging with the hubs is pure bliss. Just having quiet time, not filling sippy cups and cleaning poop, is refreshing. Now, time to cross another episode off the DVR...perhaps I can get down to 13!

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Write Stuff

As a parent, we all have a few things...okay maybe tons of things we like to brag about when it comes to our kids. I'll admit, I'm no different. These days, I've really been trying to get my 3 1/2 year old to write letters and spell stuff. Why? Well, it's pretty obvious. I want her to be smart, enough said.
Sure she's in preschool, but they haven't done too much yet when it comes down to writing. So, that's where I step in.

You would think getting someone to write a letter or two would be pretty easy. Well, I'm here to tell you it's not. So, when it happens, it's kinda like hitting the lotto.

I decided to start with the letters in my daughter's name because it's obviously important to be able to write your own name. It took a few days and countless tries, but we eventually got our "M". When we did, I was almost as happy as when I gave birth. I'll admit I even got a little misty. So, what did I do? Took a picture of our "M" masterpiece and posted it on Facebook, of course. It really was an accomplishment because before we started, she really had no idea what she was doing. I was so proud of her once she got it! What was even better was that she was just as proud of herself too.

Let me tell you, it didn't stop there. We've now mastered the "A", "I", "O", and "T", and sometimes "Y". While we haven't been able to spell her entire name, she is making progress, and that's all that matters. We've inserted our letter practice into our routine almost on a daily basis. In the beginning it was kinda like a chore, but now my daughter actually looks forward to it. Go figure!

In the words of New Kids on the Block, my daughter definetly has the "write" stuff. I can't wait until the day she can actually write out her entire name. Don't worry, you'll definitely hear about here!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Can Women Have It "All"?

It's the age-old question that always ruffles feathers and this time is no different. Can women have it all? That of course, depends on who you ask. If you choose to ask Drew Barrymore, she's gonna tell you no. She recently talked about how much it sucks to have to give up some aspects of your career so you don't miss out on things in your kids' lives.(Her words, not mine!) As you can imagine, her words have captured a lot of attention, mine included.

After reading what she had to say, I think she's brave to admit what so many of us are sometimes afraid to. Sometimes women can't have it "all" if "all" means having a killer career and making every activity and being there for every play date. It's just impossible. That's not to say that women can't be successful and still be good mothers. Being a stay-at-home mother does not, by any means, make you a better mother.

Now that we've cleared that up, I think having it "all" means different things to different people. That's okay. I think it's supposed to. I think that going by a universal definition is what has gotten so many of us feeling inadequate in the first place. Having it "all" has made a lot of us feel like crap if we can't work forty hours a week, make dinner every night, have a clean house, and still have energy to play dress up with our kids. That's why I respect Drew Barrymore's comments that women can't have it all.

I know a lot of moms, myself included, who have made professional sacrifices in order to be more present in their children's lives. I know it's not a choice that everyone has the luxury of making these days. There are lots of sacrifices that come along with the choice. Trust me, there are plenty of days when I wonder if I made the right decision. There are plenty of days that I play the "what if" game. But, in the end, I truly believe everything happens for a reason and when it is supposed. You just have to trust in yourself and try not to look back (easier said than done).

So, are Drew Barrymore's comments setting women back a few decades? I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who still think so, and that's fine. I still choose to believe that it's okay to admit that it may be impossible to have it "all".

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nothing Funny About the Easter Bunny

As a mom there are "those" pictures that are a must for your photo album. You know what I'm talking about. You have the shot of your kid blowing out his candles every year. You have those family vacation pics with the perfect scenic background because every three year old wants to have his picture taken with the sun setting at just the right time. Then there are the holiday shots. You gotta have the Santa pics and if you have the jolly old guy, you need to have the fluffy bug-eyed one. Oh yeah, it's the Easter Bunny.

I admit, I love to have the perfect pictures of my kids. Of course all the pictures my kids are in are perfect. I know as their mother I'm supposed to believe that, but that's not the truth. There are some pictures where one looks like a criminal while the other is sticking her neck out like a giraffe. This year's Easter Bunny photo was definitely not picture perfect and really cracked my eggs.

Why you may ask? Well, because my one and half year old would not go near the fluffy guy. My three and a half year old was ready to invite him over for dinner, while the little one had no use for him...not even for a stinkin' picture. She clung onto my jacket for dear life as her sister sat there and talked to this big headed creature that just sat there. Baby girl would not have any part of it. As much as I wanted a picture with my two girls, I wasn't going to be "that" mom who forced her kid to sit there in panic just for a snapshot. So, instead, I have a picture with one smiley toddler and an empty leg of the bunny dude where my other child should have been. The funny thing is that while she didn't want to take a picture with him, she did say goodbye to him and she did blow him a kiss. I just don't get it!

So, since that one didn't work out, I thought I would try again with a different bunny. Well, different bunny, still not so funny. Once again she was ready to throw a freak out while her sister didn't want to leave. Now, I have two lovely pictures of my older daughter with the Easter bunny and none with my little one. I considered photo shopping her in, but decided that would be borderline creepy. I will just have to settle and accept the fact that bunnies aren't for everyone, especially if they have abnormally large heads and hang out in the mall 24/7.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's My Blogaversary!

We all know the cliché, "time flies when you're having fun", or in this case, raising kids. This week marks my two year blogaversary. Instead of sending me flowers, I'll take some Dunkin' K-cups, but I digress. I really can't get over the fact that I've been rambling on about my life in mommy land for two years now. When I started, I only had one little momma running around. Now, there are two. When I started, I was working out of the house. Now, I am home, working on raising my family and getting some writing done. When I started, I was infatuated with my offspring. Now, I still am.

So, why did I start blogging? In case you're wondering, and even if you're not, I just wanted a place to vent about motherhood. I never knew where to do it, uncensored, besides in my head. Then some of my former co-workers started these blog things, and I thought, hell, I can do that too. So, I did, and here we are two years later.

So, why am I still doing this two years later? It must be for all the truckloads of cash that arrive at my doorstep every week, right? Excuse me while I laugh a bit, no excuse me...a lot!! Any blogger can tell you, the bucks ain't big. But, the experience can open more doors and opportunities. That is the truth in my case. My little ramblings secured me a regular blogging gig as Debate Mom on I've also taken advantage of some product reviews and other freelance writing opportunities. I can't forget the other bloggers I've also met online. So, all in all, not too shabby.

Perhaps the main reason I still do this, besides maintaining my own sanity, is because other moms tell me they actually enjoy reading my ramblings, and can actually relate. Some mothers have told me my little stories have actually made them feel better, like they weren't the only ones with certain mommy issues. That is big in my book because it also helps me out. I also feel like I'm not in this alone.

It looks like I'll still be at this for awhile because each day my kids do more things that make me laugh, cry, scream, or a little combo of all three. Besides my kids, there are also still plenty of things out there to write about as long as people in the world constantly irk me, like the Facebook COO, but I digress. So, I'll be here writing. Hopefully, you'll still be here reading. Oh, and tell a friend too! Thanks :)

p.s. I went back to read my very first post, check it out if you haven't!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Goya MyPlate Cookbook Review

I'll be the first to admit that I don't particularly enjoy cooking. I'm not a person who gets excited about creating recipes of my own. In fact, I often joke around with my husband and tell him we're having "the house special" for dinner. That means chicken cutlets...again.

With that said, you may be thinking why on earth would someone like me want to review a cookbook? Two reasons...nutritious meals and easy recipes. That's the claim on the cover of the "Goya My Plate Cookbook", so I figured why not give it a try? The cookbook is part of Michelle Obama's LetsMove initiative, launched in 2010. Since I have been trying to eat healthier, I thought this may be a good starting point.

After flipping through the book, I decided to try my novice skills with the Black Bean Quesadillas. I've read black beans are good for you and I really like quesadillas, so I figured this was a win-win. There were also only a few ingredients needed and the recipe said the total time was only fifteen minutes from start to finish. With two extremely energetic kids, I can't spend a lot of time in the kitchen (not that I would want to), so I figured this was another reason why this recipe was perfect for me.

The prep was so easy. All I had to do was mix everything in a bowl, fill a tortilla, and put it on a griddle. I think even my three and a half year old could handle that, if she were allowed to use the stove!

The quesadilla cooked pretty quickly and was really, really good. I was actually surprised that it was something that I actually made! My 17 month old even tried a few bites too and liked it. I think my only critique would be that I would have liked more cheese than the recipe called for, but it probably didn't call for more because it is a pretty healthy recipe.

Besides the Black Bean Quesadillas, there are some other recipes I wouldn't mind checking out. The light fruit smoothie and the avocado and grapefruit salad sound pretty tasty too. They also fall into the category of things I can handle! I think this cookbook is good for moms who don't have a lot of time to cook, but also want to eat healthy.

For your chance to win a copy of this cookbook, just "like" this post on the Mommy Rundown's Facebook page or if you're not on Facebook, leave a comment below. The contest ends March 21, 2013 at 5 p.m. Good Luck!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I did receive one free cookbook to complete this review.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Blog Workshop

We’ve all heard it before…”time flies when you’re having fun”. Or in my case, time flies when you’re blogging (and having fun at the same time).  As my two-year “blogaversary” approaches, I really can’t believe how many topics I’ve written about and how many interesting people I’ve met doing it. To think, this blog journey just started as just a way for me to vent about that things that really irk me about motherhood and kids! Who knew it would turn out to be so much more than that?

With that said, I also didn’t realize how much I’d have to learn and quite truthfully, how much I still have to learn. I’ve gained a lot from social media, but there are also online courses and plenty of blog workshops out there that can really help out too. The only problem with that is trying to find the money, time, and babysitters those require to make it worth your while. That’s why The Blog Workshop is really a win-win. It is a totally online conference that’s going on May 17th-19th. That means no travel, less money, less hassle, all while getting the benefits of some great speakers that will be dishing out great tips to make you and your blog more successful.

The best part is the fantastic agenda they’ve got planned. The line-up of speakers includes experts on topics that will help you maximize your blog and branch out in ways you may have never thought possible. Some of the speakers are from Blog-Trends, The Blog Frog and IZEA, just to name a few.


If you’re worried about money, The Blog Workshop is a real bargain when compared with so many other conferences that you would have to travel to get to. The Blog Workshop’s registration is under $200. You can also get some discounted tickets through the perks offered in their Indiegogo campaign they have going on. It’s a total win-win.

If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty excited about this event and you should be too! What are you waiting for?  Log on and sign up today!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mommy Guilt

I am usually the cheerleader of "Mom-Me" time, but lately I've had some bouts with some uncharacteristic mommy guilt. Ugh. I don't really know why because it's not like I leave my girls often. When I do it's to go to the gym, do some shopping, or run an errand. It's not real exciting stuff,  I know, but I enjoy it and it allows me to keep my sanity.

I'm beginning to think some women, myself included, are hard-wired to have mom guilt. Why do we feel like we need to be playing Barbies or cleaning dishes all the time? It's really annoying.
Don't get me wrong, once I'm out and about I shed that guilt faster than the celebs lose that baby weight. But, it's all that time beforehand that can sometimes have me second guessing myself. Pre-kids I remember telling my mom friends how important it was to take time for themselves and not feel guilty for leaving their kids once and awhile. I was the crusader for alone time. What happened? Oh yeah, I became a parent.

I keep telling myself I change enough diapers, read enough stories, and wear my "mom hat" enough hours in the day that it is okay to hang it up every now and again. But yet, I can still feel that guilt creep up every now and again. The funny thing is, I think that "Mom-Me" time makes me a better parent. I think time away and a glass of wine or two is sometimes just what is needed. Coming home after having that time away can make me really appreciate and miss the things that otherwise drive me nuts 24/7. Does that make any sense? The challenge now is to remember that and ignore the stupid little guilt trips.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Need a Clone

The day is almost over. The kids have finally drifted off to sleep. There is peace in the valley. Finally. But before you can exhale, there are dishes that need to be put in the dishwasher and a mountain of clothes on the bed you need to put away, that is unless you want to be sleeping with your shirts and underwear, which really isn't an entirely horrible idea at this point. There are checks that need to be written out and perhaps a lunch or two that needs to be packed. If you didn't already realize it, you need a clone to get all this done before you absolutely collapse. You could have another cup of coffee to get you through, but even that won't do the trick. You need a clone. Period.

Although your significant other may argue that one of you is plenty to go around, you know it isn't. There are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on that ambitious "to-do" list you made for yourself. You thought that list was a great idea, but now you're frustrated that not everything has gotten done. But, oh, if you had a clone,  she could do all those crappy chores and you would have time to enjoy the good stuff like seven DVR'd episodes of "The Young & The Restless", but I digress.

That clone would also come in handy if you had two children who decided to wake up at the same time in the middle of the night and refused to go with their father. Not that I would have any idea what that feels like. But if there were two Mommys, each kid could have one, which would also ease up on the sleep deprivation. But again, I would have no idea what that would feel like!

Sometimes, a clone seems like the only logical solution to the problem so many of us face. By the time you've kinda finished everything you have to do, you're just too tired to enjoy yourself. Ugh!

Okay, so I know I'm not getting a clone (and I'm sure my husband is happy about that one). In the meantime I'll be sleeping with my clothes until I can cross that off my "to-do" list. There are diapers that need to be changed and little mouths that need to be ciao ciao for now!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Late to Bed, Early to Rise...Ugh!

I know, I know, I talk a lot about sleep on here. But, if you're a parent, you know that besides food and poop, sleep is right up there when it comes to popular kids' topics. Sleep is also one of the many things you sacrifice when you join the parenting clique...that along with not getting to pee and get dressed by yourself.

Using any form of logic, it would make sense that if you went to bed later than usual, you would get up later. Right? I mean, I know that's what used to happen to me before I got my 5, and 7 a.m. wake-up calls. But, when it comes to kids, you can throw logic out the window. Don't try to think you've got them and their quirky ways figured out because they'll just throw you curve ball after curve ball, especially when dealing with sleeping patterns.

We had some special occasions lately which meant the girls went to bed later than normal. I thought, oh thank you sweet baby Jesus! They will sleep later and if I get up a little earlier, I'll have some silent "me" time along with my cup of Joe. Honestly, that was just downright dumb. Shame on me. They actually got up about an hour or so earlier and woke me up from my Adam Levine and Jon Bon Jovi dream. Both hotties were asking me out for a date. Just as I was about to choose, I hear "Mom, Mom...Momeeee!". Adam? Jon? Then I hear another "Mommy". No, neither dude because the slight scream was followed by the dash of little feet. As I opened my eyes, still waiting to hear who I picked for a date, I saw my little three-year-old angel. I could still here her little sister waiting for her one way ticket out of the crib! No date for me. I still wonder who was going to ask me out, but I digress.

Now, back to reality where once again, logic would have you assume the kids would wake up cranky and overtired. Well, you know what happens when you assume. These chicks had more energy then someone on a Red Bull I-V. I. Just. Don't Get. It.

So, what have we learned here? There is no logic when dealing with kids. Some kids don't need extra sleep (lucky me). Oh, and yeah, I guess it is all worth it because I know they will be teenagers one day sooner than I would like and I'll be dragging their butts out of bed with plenty of attitude thrown at me. So, sweet dreams!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Does Mommy Read?

As a mom, sometimes getting time to yourself is harder than getting tickets to a Bon Jovi show. I should know, but that's a different topic for a different time. Seriously, though, getting time to yourself is so important. It can really help keep you sane and recharge your batteries. With that said, you don't want to waste it doing dumb things like laundry or cleaning your house. Hitting the gym and reading a good book often top my free time list. While I enjoy some "Goodnight Moon" and "Green Eggs and Ham", I need some grownup pages to turn.

What's more grownup than the "50 Shades" trilogy? I often brought it with me to the gym and noticed my fellow gymsters staring at the covers. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't read these books? Come on! Anyway, some of the guys would stare at the cover with intrigue and silliness. Some women would give me the "oh yeah, I'm reading that too" look, while others looked on in disgust. I wanted to tell those onlookers, "Hey mama, you don't know what you're missing!" That is until you get to the last book. Oh E.L. James, what a let down! I won't spoil it for those of you who may still be drooling over Christian Grey. But, let's just say I was 50 shades of disappointed! I don't know how I wanted it to end, but I didn't want to end it the way it did.

On the total end of the spectrum is a book by a friend of mine, Rosemary O'Brien. Her new novel "Scraps" is 50 shades of a good read. While there's no Christian Grey or any of that craziness, there are some real honest to goodness characters and story lines that will suck you in faster than a buy one get one free sale. I can truthfully say I read through this one faster than any of the three "50 Shades" books. Sometimes you just need a good story, especially one that will get you a little misty at the end. That's when you know you're invested in a good book. If the characters can make you feel something, then you've sold me, and this one did just that.

Speaking of characters that make you feel something, open a page to any of the Nicholas Sparks books. He is my favorite author. I can say I own and have read every one of his books. I'm currently into "Safe Haven". Of course, I love it! All of his books suck me in and make me want more. Seriously, what a talent! Unfortunately, the movie adaptions weren't always on my list of favs, but I guess that's okay.

Okay, enough writing for now, time to spend some quality time with my book and my little book light. I know it's nerdy, but it's one of the best gifts I ever got! What are some of your favorite books and authors? I'm always looking for some new pages to turn!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sleep Training Bootcamp: The Sequel

When it comes to movies, the sequels are never usually ever as good as the originals. In my case, that's not true. In my house "Sleep Training Bootcamp, Part II" well surpasses part one. If you follow my posts, you remember back in October when I talked about trying to get my youngest daughter to sleep through the night. At that point she was just one year old and had pretty much woke up at least two to three times every night of her little life. To avoid waking up her big sister, my husband or I (really, mostly me) would go in her room to try to get the little beast, I mean angel, to go back to sleep. That meant mommy was one cranky beast herself.

Of course the pediatrician advised to let her cry it out. I unwillingly went along with the plan. I felt like such a bad mommy not coming to her rescue. To my surprise it worked...for awhile. I really thought we were on the road to sweet dreams. But really, it was just a tease. Her shenanigans started up again pretty quickly due to a monster called Hurricane Sandy. That female dog ruined any little pattern I tried to get off the ground. We lost power for a few days and had to stay elsewhere. Try getting a kid to adapt to a routine in an unfamiliar place! Once we were back home, she got a cold. What kind of monster mom would I be if I let her howl while she was sick? So, I did what any pushover mom would do, I started picking her up again...and again...and again...for the next three months.

Now, we're at her fifteen month check-up and I'm at my wits end. Once again, I had the same talk with the pediatrician. She pretty much told me I was screwed if I didn't let her cry it out. So I did. The first couple of nights she did just that...cry it out...for more than one hour. But then, something magical happened, she laid back down and went back to sleep...on her own. The next night, same thing, but the symphony lasted a mere 45 minutes. Holy mother of Pampers I think we're on to something! Fast forward a few more nights and her greatest hits were down to about ten minutes. I could almost predict the pattern..same time, same place, same routine, but better. She actually falls asleep on her own now consistently without me having to get up!

Granted, there are still those nights when I do need to get up because she's woken up her sister, or the whole neighborhood (just kidding), but for the most part this is working so much better the second time around. No more waking up three or four times a night! Thank goodness because the bags under my eyes were getting too heavy! Sweet dreams, night night:)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stay at Home Momiversary

It's been a year. I really can't believe it. One whole year that I've been at this stay-at-home mom thing. It's my stay-at-home momiversary.You may think it sounds cliché but it really seems like just yesterday that I was freaking out about having a screaming newborn and demanding toddler on my hands. Fast forward one year and now I have two demanding toddlers on my hands with a little less freaking out...well, at least sometimes!

When I signed up for this stay-at-home mom thing part of me thought it would be easier than it really is some days. I mean, really, stay at home and just take care of your own kids, piece of cake, right? Not so much. This gig is no joke. You are on call 24/7 with no sick, personal, or vacation days. I really thought I would have more free time than I do. It seems like I have less somehow. I thought my house would be forever clean because I would be here more often to clean it. I thought I would transform into some kind of Martha Stewart with decorations to die for and dinners to drool over. Guess what? My house is still a mess, if not messier. The decorations haven't changed and the dinners are the same crap we've always eaten. So, perhaps I failed in those areas. But, I think I succeeded in some others that are more important like being able to feel proud that my three year-old knows her letters because I am the one who taught her before her teachers ever did. And the fact that she is becoming a puzzle whiz and loves to look at books.

But, I would be lying if I didn't admit there are days that I do miss the daily routine of getting up and going to work and interacting with people over the age of three. There are days I miss driving in my car alone without answering 20,000 questions. But, there are also many more days that I enjoy play dates, story hour at the library, strolls on the beach, and many other activities that I know I wouldn't be able to do as freely as I do now, and for that I am grateful.

As a SAHM, you have bosses who can be so demanding and relentless that you sometimes want to cry. And guess what? There's no cash money paycheck or 401K! What kind of job is this? It's the kind of job that pays in "I love you's" and hugs and kisses and things like "Mom, I want to be just like you." You might not be able to take that to the bank or save up to buy a condo in Boca when you're 70, but the payoff is  far greater.