Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Blog Workshop

We’ve all heard it before…”time flies when you’re having fun”. Or in my case, time flies when you’re blogging (and having fun at the same time).  As my two-year “blogaversary” approaches, I really can’t believe how many topics I’ve written about and how many interesting people I’ve met doing it. To think, this blog journey just started as just a way for me to vent about that things that really irk me about motherhood and kids! Who knew it would turn out to be so much more than that?

With that said, I also didn’t realize how much I’d have to learn and quite truthfully, how much I still have to learn. I’ve gained a lot from social media, but there are also online courses and plenty of blog workshops out there that can really help out too. The only problem with that is trying to find the money, time, and babysitters those require to make it worth your while. That’s why The Blog Workshop is really a win-win. It is a totally online conference that’s going on May 17th-19th. That means no travel, less money, less hassle, all while getting the benefits of some great speakers that will be dishing out great tips to make you and your blog more successful.

The best part is the fantastic agenda they’ve got planned. The line-up of speakers includes experts on topics that will help you maximize your blog and branch out in ways you may have never thought possible. Some of the speakers are from Blog-Trends, The Blog Frog and IZEA, just to name a few.


If you’re worried about money, The Blog Workshop is a real bargain when compared with so many other conferences that you would have to travel to get to. The Blog Workshop’s registration is under $200. You can also get some discounted tickets through the perks offered in their Indiegogo campaign they have going on. It’s a total win-win.

If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty excited about this event and you should be too! What are you waiting for?  Log on and sign up today!

1 comment:

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