Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pre-K Pre-Jitters

   So, my baby starts pre-k next week and guess who's nervous? Yep, me. I mean she could very well be nervous too and just not telling me. But, that's what makes me nervous. She's excited for now, but what's going to happen the first day? She could be waving goodbye with a smile one minute and crying her eyes out the next. That's what I'm nervous about.

   I know it's just pre-k, but still, it's her first school experience. I've left her with family before, but never with complete strangers. So, of course, this makes me nervous too. The school she's going to has been in business for 49 years, so there is some comfort there. But, now they have my baby. That's what I'm nervous about.

   On the list of "are you kidding me lady, chill out", I'm also worried about what kind of snack to pack. They say to pack a "healthy" snack. Well, I have one of the pickiest eaters ever and healthy isn't always on the menu, so this should be fun. Yes, I know this is dumb, but this is what I'm nervous about.

   Since we're talking about the whole food thing, it would be a good time to mention the fact that we were sooo late to the lunchbox party. I figured shopping for a lunchbox two weeks before school would be okay. Yeah, I was wrong. I went to four stores. The stuff was so picked over and jammed together I thought I was watching "Hoarders". Oh and since when are thermoses not included? For the love of God, I'm still trying to find a darn thermos! I remember the days of the old plastic lunchboxes that always came with a thermos...but I digress. Anyway, my daughter walked in wanting a Dora or Abbey lunchbox, but settled for Hello Kitty.  I know she doesn't care, but this is what I'm nervous about.

   On the list of things she could care less about, but is giving me gray hair, is her outfit the first day of school. Of course I bought some new outfits, but they're fallish. So what if it's 85 degrees the first day of school? What does she wear? I know it doesn't matter. But, this is what I'm nervous about.

   So folks, we'll see what happens next week. I know in the end, we'll find the "right" outfit , the "right" snack, and the "right" thermos. But, for now I'm just going to be nervous!

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